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Sind die Programme und der Ernährungsplan in der SWEAT-App für eine bestimmte Altersklasse gedacht?



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    Hello everyone. I was shocked as I read this posting, that the workouts were developed and limited to a certain age frame of 16 to 25 years old.

    I first tried Sweat when I was already 45, not knowing that the App was designed for women who were 20 years younger than me. I gave it a try and I loved it -still love it! I turned this month 48 y.o.

    I don't even want to think that due to my age, I am doing workouts I should not do. I think everyone has her own limits, or better said, you are limitless if you give it a try and fail and try it again and again. The body gets used to and adapts pretty fast. The first couple of weeks, one is sore and wants to give up, but then it becomes a habit one doesn't want to miss anymore. I am a busy woman and mother, but I always find a "me time" to do my workouts, preferably early mornings. It's a wonderful feeling to start this way into my day. I feel young, strong, unstoppable. 

    I recommend Sweat to women of any age. There are so many alternative exercises one could substitute to those we could find too difficult to do. Some days one feels lighter and stronger than others. There are programmes, trainers and workout-lengths for everyone.

    Thanks Sweat team for all.


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