High-Intensity Cardio, or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), involves short intervals of high-intensity exercise followed by short intervals of rest.
A typical High-Intensity Cardio session consists of 20 seconds of work, followed by 10 seconds of rest, with the workout usually lasting for 10-20 minutes.
High-Intensity Cardio has become an increasingly popular choice for cardio as it is extremely time-efficient. Likewise, it can be performed through a wide variety of exercises, most requiring minimal equipment. These can include:
- Sprinting
- Skipping
- Cycling
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Hill climbs
- Boxing/Martial Arts
To find out more about HIIT in the Sweat app, tap the 'i' next to the Cardio heading on the Workouts dashboard inside the app.
When do I complete High-Intensity Cardio?
In the Sweat app, your weekly goals can be found by tapping the sweat drop icon at the top left-hand corner of the screen. These goals will vary, depending on the program you choose to complete.
In most programs, High-Intensity Cardio is only optional to begin with and is gradually introduced as your fitness increases. If you do choose to incorporate HIIT into your routine, make sure this is scheduled on a separate day to your Resistance workouts.
HIIT workouts can be completed on the same day as LISS or Active Recovery sessions, however, we recommend completing each session at separate times of the day to ensure your body has enough time for recovery and to prevent any potential injury.
You can use the Planner in the Sweat app to schedule your workouts on your own, or use our 'Use Suggested Workout Plan' feature to find our recommendations of how you could arrange your week!
How do I complete High-Intensity Cardio?
In the Workouts section of the Sweat app, look for the Cardio heading and tap 'High Intensity'.
You will notice a timer in the middle of the screen that can be adjusted to count up or count down. If you have a specific time frame to work out, set the timer to count down. Alternatively, if you don't have a specific time duration, set the timer to count up.
You can choose your preference within the Workout Settings in the top-right hand corner of your screen. Simply enable or disable 'Enable Countdown'.
To increase the intensity of your High-Intensity Cardio session, increase the work ratio and decrease the rest ratio. Tap 'Start' when you are ready to begin!
During your HIIT workout, after each interval of work time, you will be alerted by timer cues to transition into rest. At the end of your rest break, you will be alerted by timer cues signalling it's time to work! You can enable sound effects within the Workout Settings.
To count your steps and track your distance during HIIT, ensure you have 'Motion & Fitness' enabled within your device Settings.
If you selected the count-down timer, once you have completed your workout a siren will sound if you have your audio set to loud.
If you selected the count-up timer, once you have finished HIIT, mark your workout as complete by tapping 'Pause' > 'End Workout' > 'Mark as Completed'.
If you've already completed a High-Intensity cardio session and would like to log this within the app, simply tap 'Already completed this today?' at the top of the screen.
For more information regarding High-Intensity Cardio and the differences between other forms of cardio and their benefits, take a look at this article on cardio.
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