As treinadoras SWEAT criaram essas 6 semanas de treinos-desafios únicos para seus programas. Em cada programa das treinadoras possui duas opções: 'Do início" para iniciantes ou "Me desafie" para quem está no nível intermediário/avançado! Veja abaixo a lista dos equipamentos necessários para o desafio de cada programa.
The SWEAT Trainer’s have created 6 weeks of unique challenge workouts for their programs. Each Trainer’s program has the option to select Starting Out, for beginners, or Challenge Me for intermediate/advanced! See below for our recommended equipment lists for your trainer's challenge. Keep in mind if you don't have all the equipment, you can modify to suit your needs!
Alta Intensidade com Kayla Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out:
- Chair
- Dumbbells
- Recovery Band
- Resistance Band
- Yoga Mat
Challenge Me:
- All "Starting Out" Equipment
- Kettle Bell
- Skipping Rope
- Step
Força Alta Intensidade com Kayla Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out:
- Barbell (adjustable)
- Bench
- Cable
- Chair
- Chin-up bar
- Dual cable
- Dumbbells
- Fitball
- Incline bench
- Kettlebell
- Lat pulldown
- Leg press
- Olympic barbell
- Prone leg curl
- Recovery band
- Resistance band
- Skipping rope
- Smith machine
- Squat rack
- Yoga mat
Challenge Me
- All “Starting Out” equipment except an Olympic barbell and squat rack
- Ab wheel
- Deadball
- Long resistance band
- Massage ball
- Plyometric box
- Seated row
- Step
PWR Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out
- Barbell (adjustable)
- Bench
- Cable
- Chair
- Deadball
- Dual cable
- Dumbbells
- Foam roller
- Incline bench
- Kettlebell
- Lat pulldown
- Medicine ball
- Prone leg curl
- Resistance band
- Resistance tube
- Seated leg curl
- Seated row
- Skipping rope
- Step
- Wooden dowel
- Yoga mat
Challenge Me
- All “Starting Out” equipment except a chair and resistance tube
- Ab wheel
- Assisted chin/dip
- Core trainers
- Decline ab bench
- Fitball
- Leg extension
- Leg press
- Olympic barbell
- Plyometric soft box
- Preacher bench
- Recovery band
- Smith machine
- Squat rack
- Weight plate
PWR at Home Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out
- Barbell (adjustable)
- Bench
- Chair
- Dumbbells
- Fitball
- Foam roller
- Kettlebell
- Long resistance band
- Medicine ball
- Recovery band
- Resistance band
- Resistance tube
- Skipping rope
- Step
- Weight plate
- Wooden dowel
- Yoga mat
Challenge Me
All “Starting Out” equipment except for a foam roller and long resistance band.
FIERCE Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out
- Barbell (adjustable)
- Bench
- Cable
- Deadball
- Dumbbells
- Fitball
- Foam roller
- Incline bench
- Lat pulldown
- Olympic barbell
- Recovery band
- Resistance band
- Seated row
- Squat rack
- Yoga mat
Challenge Me
- All “Starting Out” equipment except a recovery band
- Assisted chin/dip
- Battle rope
- Dual cable
- Leg press
- Plyometric soft box
- Skipping rope
- Sled
BUILD Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out
- Assisted chin/dip
- Barbell (adjustable)
- Bench
- Bench press
- Cable
- Core trainer
- Dumbells
- Foam roller
- Incline bench
- Kettlebell
- Lat pulldown
- Leg extension
- Leg press
- Olympic barbell
- Prone leg curl
- Resistance band
- Smith machine
- Squat rack
- Trap bar
Challenge Me
All “Starting Out” equipment except an assisted chin/dip and trap bar.
BAM Challenge Equipment:
Starting Out & Challenge Me:
- Yoga Block
- Yoga Mat
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