What is HIIT with Samantha?
HIIT with Samantha has been designed to make fitness fun, but challenging, with high-intensity at-home workouts you can do without equipment! There are workouts that run for 25+ minutes for when you want to get in a great full-body challenge and shorter 15-minute workouts for when you are short on time or energy.
HIIT with Samantha is a 5-week training program, including one foundation week to introduce you to Samantha's training style.
If you started with Low Impact HIIT with Samantha and want to take your training to the next level, this is the perfect program for you!
What equipment do I need to complete HIIT with Samantha?
This is a full-body no-equipment program designed to energise you with varied training — so you feel empowered to become the best version of yourself. Get ready to feel unstoppable!
How does HIIT with Samantha work?
Each week you will be required to complete the following goals:
- 3 x Resistance training sessions (3 available)
- 2 x Cardio sessions
- 2 x Recovery sessions (Including 1 rest day)
- Full Body Tabata
- Full Body AMRAP
- Strength & Cardio
- LISS (Low-Intensity Steady State) x 2
- HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) x 1
The program also a recovery stretching session to improve mobility and flexibility.
What do the Full Body workouts involve?
Full Body Tabata (39 minutes)
Tabata is a form of interval training. Each Tabata workout includes eight exercises. You will be working hard for 20 seconds, with a 10-second rest. You will need to complete eight sets of the same exercise before moving onto the next exercise.
Full Body AMRAP (25 minutes)
AMRAP stands for 'As Many Reps As Possible' and is another form of interval training. Each AMRAP workout includes two circuits with 4 exercises in each. Complete 4 rounds of each circuit, alternating between 45 seconds of 'work' and 15 seconds of 'rest'. The goal here will be to complete as many repetitions as you can during each work phase.
Full Body Strength Workouts (15 minutes)
This workout includes two circuits. Circuit one includes two exercises, where your aim is to complete the designated reps for each exercise for four rounds. After each round take a 30-second rest and after completing round 3, take a 1-minute rest before moving onto circuit two.
In circuit two there are three exercises. The aim is to complete 60 seconds of each exercise with no rest in-between. Complete 3 rounds with no rest to complete the workout
Warm-ups (3-5 minutes)
Before each workout you will be provided with three optional warm-up options, we recommend warming up to prevent the risk of any potential injury. The three warm-up options you will be provided are; Cardio, Cardio & Movement and Movement to prepare you for the workout.
Cool-Downs (5 minutes)
At the end of each workout, you will find cool-down sessions to help promote recovery, prevent injury, and improve flexibility. The cool-downs are optional, however, we recommend completing these sessions to get the most out of your workout.
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